Tag Archives: mod culture

The New Shop W10…

100% Silk Knitted Tie - Burgundy with White Polka Dots

Despite recovering from a spot of ill health of late, Adam of London has still found time to increase his Notting Hill store to cope with increasing demand. It’s now twice the size.

If you’ve not checked out the mod-friendly shirts, suits, coats and accessories before, you’ll find the shop at:

11 Portobello Green,
281 Portobello Road,
Notting Hill,
W10 5TZ

(0208 960 6944).

In addition, some new 100 per cent cotton shirts are available in both tab and button down collar, most interesting of all being the introduction of a paisley shirt. Images of some of the shirts also over the page, £59 is the price for those.

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